Sweet river--the water was cold and clean, so clean. When you would get a mouthful when swimming it tasted good--the water really was sweet. Some photos:

At Sweet River, there were a couple of kids--well actually teenagers--there swimming when we got there--we shared the swimming hole with them. There was a rock underwater that you could stand on and then dive in upstream. They started a challenge/game of who could dive in against current, swim underwater and come up furthest upstream. Once you dove in and swam (the current was hard and fast, so hard to make headway) as far as you could underwater, you came up and stood in that spot to mark it while the others competed to try to get past your spot. Michael had the contest in the bag, he is 6'5 (a foot taller than me and the kids) and a natural swimmer). I surprised the youth by beating them (not bad for a old lady from foreign) but try as I would--I couldn't pass Michael's mark. The photos of Michael and the kids in the stream are in the midst of the game while I was taking a time out. It was fun, it reminded me of the underwater games me and my friends played when I was a kid. More photos

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