Sunday, November 1, 2009

Rooms at Samsara

At Samsara, I went through some musical room games (like musical chairs game). I began my stay in a gardenside cottage, then moved to oceanview room 107, then I extended my stay and they put me in the lower block (the one next to the dive shop) mold room and after a hassle with management I got moved up to room 106, right next to the room that I spent the majority of my stay in. I highly recommend the upstairs rooms--107 was great, 108 would be good too. 106 was fine but it is adjacent to the block of rooms next to it so you were sort of right on top of the room in the block that faces other direction. The upstairs rooms have lovely porches with a table and chairs set up for porchside dining, drinking and generally lounging. Kick back and sip on a Red Stripe while you watch the palm trees sway in the breeze and see a glimmer of the sea beyond.  Pics here of room 106 and the view from the deck (the first room and deck view photos I posted in this report were from room 107).






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