One typical afternoon I was hanging out at Samsara by the sea with my friend Michael. Michael hangs out at Samsara and gives tours and rides etc. He parks his car outside the entrance and lifts open the back, where he has a banging sound system installed. I spent a few nights hanging outside on the curb watching the goings by on the road, listening to tunes pumping from the back of the car and talking to Michael, night security, and other locals hanging out.
I was out snorkeling when the rainstorm hit. It was fun swimming in that warm water with the cool drops falling on my head and stirring up the surface of the sea. But then the sea got rough and Michael was worried for my safety and called me back in. The storm got progressively more intense until it was a full blown tropical storm come evening time. Waves were crashing on the cliffs and crashing over the cliffs--taking over the whole area where we were lounging earlier in the day. The sea had gone from calm to angry. The power of the storm was unbridled, and as I stood at a safe distance and watched, once again I gave my respect to the sea.
The palms were flying around like crazy, it is hard to believe they stay anchored in that wind dance they do. We went up to my porch and watched the storm gear up even more. It was electrifying. I put on some good reggae and pumped up the tunes. We mad a couple of drinks and then danced our asses off out on that porch right up there with the tops of the coconut trees. The rain pelted us and the waves crashed below as the wind pummeled us. The air was still warm and we were energized--we danced for hours.
It is a good thing the storm was so loud--otherwise we may have gotten complaints s it was after 11pm by then. When the dancing winded down, I was so hungry. The storm was still peaking--but Michael said he'd drive down to the beach area and find some jerk chicken. I couldn't believe he was going to drive in that weather, but he was adamant. By now it was midnight so I was wondering if anyone would be out with their jerk barrels in that mess of a storm. Well about 45 minutes later here comes Michael with two steaming foil packets of jerk chicken, he scored! I bit in and the tender chicken practically melted in my mouth while the spices and scotch bonnet heated up my tongue. What a way to party. I highly recommend the crazy storm dance party followed by jerk chicken. You will be smiling.
Anyhow here are pics of a typical Samsara afternoon. The speck out in the sea is me swimming.

After an afternoon chilling out seaside, we walked over to La Kaisers so I could pick up some necklaces from the security guy/ jewelry maker there. Below are photos of Michael hamming it up, me not hamming it up, and the sky with an incredible cloud formation. All the photos were taken at La Kaisers.
The steps in this photo down to the sea access the sea. There are probably other access spots too--but this was the only one I came across. For more photos and information about La Kaisers see the link in my blog's archives under October called La Kaisers--the mystery resort

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